
Best Replacement Pressure Washer Spray Gun
If you’re spray gun broke (or you simply want to upgrade) you’ll see the best pressure washer replacement spray gun for the money here.
Q: Are Replacement Guns Universal or Do I Need the Same Brand as My Pressure Washer?
A: With the correct arsenal of threaded and quick connection fittings you can make any spray gun 100% universal. You definitely don’t need to buy a replacement or upgrade spray gun as the same brand as your pressure washer. But just note that if it breaks within warranty period it is an easy part for your machine manufacturer to replace.
Q: What’s the Difference: Industrial Spray Gun vs. Residential Medium-duty?
A: The easy way to explain it is industrial spray guns will work fine with specification you see on industrial power machines. Hot water, high flow rate and high pressures are fine with industrial trigger guns but can break residential spray guns not meant for those high specs. Also, for these higher specs the industrial guns will cost more with higher quality valve and material components.