Pressure Washers
Southland always guarantees top quality cleaning supplies, detailing equipment and pressure washers in the Augusta area. We provide an extensive range of pressure washers, which includes electric, air, hydraulic, diesel, gas, and hot and cold water pressure washers. We have lots of variety in our pressure washers, and you can choose high quality pressure washer equipment that is designed for industrial and commercial users, automotive contractors, and homeowners.
Hot Water
Soft Wash Systems
Cold Water
With the many aspects to pressure cleaning, finding the right tool to do the job will save effort and dollars. Considerations must be given towards the specific problem you want to cure and also to the arena of clean that you want to accomplish.
The following criteria should help and these are the ingredients…
It always takes less pressure utilizing Hot Water vs using cold water. This will also mean a cleaner object in less time. By using the correct nozzle size with correct pattern you can vary pressures and volumes from most machines without damaging what you are cleaning
A. 1000 p.s.i. Vehicles, houses
B. 2000 p.s.i. 18 wheelers, concrete, engines, fork-lifts
C. 3000 p.s.i. This has become standard for contractors, Municipalities, Construction equipment, & Hard surface Flat Work
D. 4000 p.s.i. Gives more of a chisel effect for removal of stubborn deposits. Can damage items if not properly trained in usage
E. 5000 p.s.i. & up Specialty cleaning and used as a tool.
All applications can be discussed with Southland Paper and Chemical
For our recommendations. JUST CALL!
The most misunderstood concept is that pressure dictates cleaning. NOT SO.
Volume provides the IMPACT and speeds up the cleaning process.
Company’s that make a living by pressure washing are purchasing high volume Equipment….
A. 2 g.p.m. Household use
B. 3 g.p.m. Auto detailing and low water areas
C. 4 g.p.m. Truck washing and some surface cleaning
D. 5 g.p.m. Most popular for every thing
E. 6 g.p.m. & above industrial and contract cleaning
The hotter the better to a point. Old fashioned steam cleaners operated @ 325 degrees and cleaned every thing extremely well. They are still used today for different processes……
A. 140 degrees Vehicles
B. 180 degrees Multi-purpose
C. 200 to 225 degrees The best for all around. Not all burner/coil systems heat equally or are engineered to do so.
We can check your temperature at Southland Paper and Chemical. And find out if your machine is sick.
You need an exit gauge to keep them honest.
This opens up the biggest can of worms in the cleaning industry .
There are normally four methods of applying chemicals. The least costly fastest and best is sending the chemical through the pump under high pressure and heated.
Currently the most common is utilizing a low pressure down stream injection Manufacturers and chemical company’s love this method. It would take a couple of more paragraphs to explain this style , so call or just come by.
Application with a hand sprayer is often utilized for direct application depending on strength and compatibility for the job on hand. When choosing the correct chemical many times it requires special knowledge to do it right.
By testing of product and dilution ratio will provide the information on how much does it cost per square foot of per individual task.
Southland Paper and Chemical can get you leaning in the right direction.
Eliminate the guess work.
Just give us a call!